Everything You Need To Know About Microneedling With PRP

Also known as ‘collagen induction therapy’, microneedling is a cosmetic procedure for rejuvenating the skin. It uses a derma-roller or dermapen which is covered with tiny needles that prick the skin surface evenly. This procedure is almost noninvasive and hence requires the least amount of recovery time as compared to other cosmetic procedures. The tiny […]

Mesotherapy vs PRP: Hair Loss Treatment | Peachtree homeopathy, Pune

What is PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) PRP is a completely natural, non-surgical medical procedure for treating hair loss or hair thinning. It works by using the patient’s own blood and the active growth factors in it to promote hair growth. How does PRP work? The patient’s blood is taken and centrifuged to concentrate the platelets […]

PRP for Hair Loss Treatment is Permanent or Temporary?

Treating androgenetic alopecia—male and female pattern baldness—with permanent results is the holy grail of hair loss treatments. Unfortunately, a permanent solution to this all-too-common ailment remains elusive, but existing and emerging treatments are capable of managing hair loss more effectively than ever before. At Peachtree Clinic, our team of hair loss professionals wants to help […]