Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a broad term used to describe a group of neurodevelopmental disorders. ASD varies widely in symptoms and severity, making it difficult to diagnose. Hence, there is no specific medical test to determine this disorder. Autism is more common in boys than in girls, and their symptoms are associated:

  • With or without intellectual impairment.
  • With or without language impairment.
  • With a known medical or genetic condition or environmental factor.
  • With another neurodevelopmental, mental, or behavioral disorder.


  • Genetic factors – Several different genes appear to be involved in ASD. For some children, autism spectrum disorder can be associated with a genetic disorder, such as Rett syndrome or fragile X syndrome.

    Environmental factor – Viral infection medications or complications during pregnancy due to exposure to heavy metals and environmental toxins play a role in triggering autism spectrum disorder.

    • Low birth weight
    • Metabolic imbalances
    • Being born to older parents

Sign and Symptoms

Some children show signs of ASD in early infancy, such as reduced eye contact, lack of response to their name, or indifference to caregivers.

Other kids grow the first few months or years of life normally, and suddenly become withdrawn or aggressive or lose their already gained language abilities. These signs are generally seen at 2 years of age.

It’s difficult for a kid with ASD to interact with others. Social skill problems are among the most common signs. They may want intimate relationships but won’t understand how due to the following symptoms:

    • They can’t respond to their name.
    • They avoid eye contact and physical contact.
    • They do not understand emotions.
    • They prefer to be alone.

Treatment For Autism

Behavioral and Communication Therapies – Many programs tackle the variety of problems associated with an ASD in social, language, and behavior programs. These programs concentrate on decreasing problematic behaviors, learning fresh abilities, and teaching kids how to behave or interact better with others in social circumstances.

Educational Therapies – Children with autism spectrum disorder often react well to extremely structured programs of education. Successful programs typically include a specialist team and a range of operations aimed at improving social skills, communication, and conduct. Intensive, individualized behavioral interventions in pre-school kids often demonstrate excellent progress.

Homeopathy Treatment of Autism

The Homeopathy treatment doesn’t work in a similar way as the conventional treatment. There are no particular autism homeopathic drugs. The therapy requires to be tailored to suit every autistic kid and individual that can lead to a quicker and longer-lasting therapy outcome.

Homeopathy is a safe and gentle healing system that attempts to define the root cause of any issue by taking a detailed history of the situation that involves the patient’s present complaints, past medical history, family history, patient’s nature, disposition, and many other finer variables.

Other Children’s Diseases


Standard treatments for ADHD in children include medications, behavior therapy, counseling and education services.

Enlarged Adenoids

Enlarged tonsils and adenoids are also referred to as tonsillitis, adenoiditis, or tonsil and adenoid hypertrophy.



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