Overview Of Herpes Simplex

Herpes is an infection caused by virus called HSV (Herpes Simplex Virus). There are two types of Virus Type 1 or oral herpes & Type 2 or genital herpes. HSV is transmitted through oral or genital secretions or through skin sore. Virus is mostly transmitted through skin to skin direct contact or contact with infected towel razors or utensil. Sexual contact including oro- genital contact is most common mode of transmission of genital herpes. Many people have recurring herpes infection.

Symptoms :

  •  Cold sores around the mouth.
  •  Red. painful blisters appears on the skin, they may break &ooze. Oral herpes appears as lesion around lips gums & mouth.
  •  In male, genital herpes appears on foreskin, glans & shaft of penis. Eruptions are painful & lasts may last for 2-3 weeks. Also, lymph nodes swelling is present.
  •  In females, painful blisters or ulceration is present on external genitalia. Vaginal discharge, itching & pain while passing urine. Few patients develop flu like symptoms like headache, fever fatigue.

Homeopathic Treatment for Herpes

Herpes simples in both males & females are treated successfully with homeopathic treatment. Homeopathy also cures chronic recurring herpes from its root. Homeopathy is strongly recommended in case of herpes simplex infection.

Some homeopathic remedies which are indicated in case of herpes are Nat mur, Causticum, Nitric acid, Thuja.

Homeopathic medicine for herpes is selected on the basis of presenting symptoms, duration of the disease, age & susceptibility of patient.

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