Overview Of Tinea Versicolor

Tinea versicolor is common fungal infection. It also called as Pityriasis Versicolor. It is caused by type of yeast Malessezia that naturally lives on your skin. When it grows out of control it appears in the form of disease. The yeast which grows out of control affects natural color of the skin, you may develop patches on skin lighter or darker than surrounding skin.

Causes :

Tinea Versicolor caused by the fungus called Malessezia which normally found on the skin surface. Factors which promotes the growth of this fungus are excessive sweating, hot & humid weather, weak immune system & hormonal changes.

Symptoms :

  •  Discolored patches appear on skin. Commonly seen on chest, neck, arms & back.
  •  Patches can be lighter or darker than surrounding skin. Patches may appear as pink, red, white or brown in color.
  •  Patches can be itchy, dry & scaly

Homeopathic Treatment For Tinea Versicolor

Homeopathic treatment works extremely well in cases of Tinea Versicolor. You can expect complete recovery from Tinea without chance of reoccurrence. Few commonly used medicines for Tinea Versicolor are Nat Mur, Sulphur, Bacillinum, Tellurinum , Arsenic Album.

Homeopathic treatment is highly effective for Tinea Versicolor, often resulting in complete recovery without the risk of recurrence. Several commonly prescribed homeopathic medicines for Tinea Versicolor include Natrum Muriaticum, Sulphur, Bacillinum, Tellurium, and Arsenicum Album. These remedies target the underlying causes and symptoms of Tinea Versicolor, providing comprehensive relief and preventing future outbreaks

Homeopathy offers a holistic approach to treating Tinea Versicolor, addressing the root cause of the condition while providing symptomatic relief. By tailoring treatment to individual needs, homeopathic remedies aim to restore skin health and prevent the recurrence of Tinea Versicolor, promoting long-term recovery and well-being.

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